What’s Going To Be Your Legacy?

Oprah Winfrey gave a speech at Agnes College 128th Commencement. She spoke about a conversation that she had with Maya Angelou about Oprah’s school in Africa. She told Maya “that’s going to be my greatest legacy.” Maya replied “you have no idea what your legacy will be.” Oprah was confused but insisted that this school was going to be her legacy. Maya replied with this: … Continue reading What’s Going To Be Your Legacy?

From Failure to Belief

Doubt. Doubt gets in the way of our full ability to achieve something great. Never doubt yourself. Doubt won’t get you those grades. Doubt won’t get you that new job you have an interview for. Doubt won’t get you that personal best in sport. Doubt will never get you to that end goal. Personally, I used to doubt myself at least once a day. I wouldn’t … Continue reading From Failure to Belief


Before I begin.. follow on IG: @livyourlifeblog The best thing you can wear every day is your confidence.  Self confidence is defined as the belief in one’s self and one’s powers and abilities. (Credit: Merriam-Webster dictionary) The feeling you have when you wake up, put on your favourite outfit, and walk out into the world like you own it… that’s self-confidence. That feeling when you know … Continue reading Self-Confidence